Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I Was Given a Vision

A couple of weeks ago I had a conversation with a man about how he was struggling and angry at God, to the point where he was having trouble talking to God. I have been there. While it's not the most productive place to be, it's a real, honest place to be. I told this man I would pray for him.

I try never to tell someone I will pray for them unless I actually intend to pray for them. And so, in that moment I began to pray for him. I didn't really know what to pray because I don't know specifically with what he is struggling. The next day he was still on my mind, so I prayed the only thing I could think to pray, "Lord, how can I pray for him? I don't know what to pray, show me."

I was flat on my face in worship.

I was given a vision.

Karina, this is how I want you to pray...
I saw myself in the Throne Room of God, flat on my face before the Lord. Just me and God. He told me not to pray about this man. He told me not to pray for this man. He told me to pray AS this man. Pray the things that he cannot pray for himself. Worship me in his place. Praise me for him.

How can I, Lord? I do not know what is in his heart.

I will show you daughter. I will tell you what to pray. Listen to Me. And then, the words began to flow. The words from the Psalm that I am memorizing. Words I can only assume were needed by the man for whom I was attempting to pray.

I was given a vision.

I saw myself in the Throne Room of God, flat on my face before the Lord. The man stood behind me, unable to speak, and I prayed in his place. And this, the Lord said to me, this is intercession.

I was given a vision.

As I prayed I saw my Jesus standing before me. He was interceding for me. Praying what I could not pray. Speaking the words I didn't know to speak on behalf of my brother. Jesus, our intercessor.

I have prayed about hundreds of people. I have prayed for hundreds of people. But that day, on my face before God I learned what it means to intercede for someone. I learned how to be more like my Jesus. I cannot describe what God did in my heart over those couple of days. His presence was overwhelming. His mercy, boundless. His grace, fierce. His love, fathomless.

I was given a vision and I will never be the same.
