Monday, July 6, 2009

"Not Me!" Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I had a busy week this week, and that always means more not me's that I was perfectly angelic all week.

For instance, this week while flying home from Florida with the youth group after a missions trip, I did not request exit row and bulkhead seating for my extra long legs only to find that there was peaceful quiet to be found many rows ahead of the 54 teenagers. I did not revel in it by falling asleep with my mouth hanging open. Nope, not me!

On a venture to the lavatory I did not purposely stick my fanny in one of the teens' face. When she punched my fanny I so did NOT turn the other "cheek"! Uh-uh, not me!

On finding that I had brought home an unwanted stow-away (a flying cockroach), I did not scream! I did not obsess about it all week, nor did I name my unwanted friend, Orlando. I never cried to my husband about how freaked out I was about bringing home a cockroach, nor cry to my step-dad, a former pest control technician, about 'Orlando'. I'm so not freakish about a single little bug, not me!

I did not, in hopes of getting a good shot of a hummingbird flop myself down on the floor of the glass blower's shop with my camera aimed at their hummingbird feeder. I did not spend at least 15 minutes there in the doorway, blocking the traffic of their would-be customers.
I did not spend the better part of the rest of the hour on the bench outside the shop trying to get more hummingbird pictures. I certainly wouldn't abandon my huband to get ice cream for all 5 children all by himself while the photgrapher in me ignored all else to get the perfect shot. No sir, not me!
That was my perfectly angelic week! What did you not do, come on, be brutally honest!


  1. I'm glad that you think about others all the time just like me!! heehee

    Poor Orlando...he musta really liked you and your stuff! Heehee...FL is crawling with's rough...!

    Those pictures are beautiful!

  2. I totally would have done the same thing at the shop!
