Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Good-bye Crackberry.

Trying a quick post from my phone in the Atlanta airport.

Packing went quite smoothly and surprisingly I finished well before time to leave so I was able to enjoy time playing with my kids. it was awesome! Iz and I played slap Jack. And it was nice not to be in a rush when Todd got home from work and informed me that he had lost his job.

It wasn't completely unexpected, nor is it an unwelcome change. He has had so much stress the last year that it's a relief to be done with it. And both of us have complete peace that God is in control and will care for us whatever the future holds. He has always been faithful and He always will be. Because, well, he's God. It's his character. We, as a family, just started to memorize Psalm 71. Read it and you will see where our heart is!

So, on the same day that my daughter and I left on this glorious adventure to spread theCrAzY LoVe of Jesus, my husband lost the job he's been blessed to have for the last 11 years. And you know what? The same God who loves the Costa Ricans loves my little family.

I do hope you'll add praying for God's wiLl for a new job to your prayers.

