Friday, November 26, 2010


Thanksgiving is officially over, though I haven't been to bed so it still 'feels' like Thanksgiving.

It was a lovely day! And I'm thankful for much. No. I'm thankful for all.

We spent the day as a family, beginning with 'snubble-time' at a leisurely hour of the morning! That was a treat, let me tell you! Breakfast (thanks to a late night of pie baking extravaganza) was in the crock pot ready to eat. Steel cut oats ala MckMama! I finished preparations on the side dishes I volunteered to bring to our friends' house later in the day, and off we went.

Movement 5280. It's a teen drop-in center that is opening soon where I have spent a good chunk of my time in recent weeks painting and decorating. Last week was our Open House. Today we had our first outreach to the community. We offered a Thanksgiving meal to anyone who wanted or needed food. All together we served 190 meals today, about 30 were people who came in to the center and the rest were delivered to a nearby park where many homeless and needy hang out.

I had the privilege of leading worship. It was quite impromptu and casual, but I realized today that I was completely at ease at the piano, singing. Me. Who just 9 short months ago nearly ran crying from the thought of playing the piano in public. Thank God! Besides my family and friends, this is probably the thing that I am most thankful for today; that God is healing me from the hurt and damage from my past, and giving me multiple opportunities to worship Him with the talents He has given me! It's HUGE!

Afterwords, it was home to grab the [oops!] burned dishes that I had tried to cook via oven timers. Thankfully (pun intended) we had time to remake the dishes before going to our friends' home for dinner!

We had a beautiful dinner with our friends, and spent time visiting and playing with them until nearly bedtime. Ahhhh. Not just full, but Thank-FULL!

Somewhere in our day we opened and read a letter from one of our sponsored children, Kipyegon. His letters always bring me to tears because they remind me just how richly blessed we are. It was a very fitting day to read his letter.

I also spent about an hour in the afternoon, while I waited for the second batch of sweet potatoes to cook, texting most of the friends in my cell phone to tell them how thankful I am for them!

**I may or may not get some pictures added to this post later today. We'll see.
