Friday, March 19, 2010

Compassion's Great Sponsorship Challenge!

God has really been reshaping my heart in the last months. Last week I posted about sponsoring Kipyegon in Kenya through Compassion. I was really touched, torn, and broken from reading Jennifer's blog and the other blogs of people on the same trip. Then I made the *ahem* mistake of Googling Francis Chan on you tube. Watching his videos will definitely challenge the way you think about pretty much everything. So, I'm working on redefining my life, goals, ideals, and the actions I take as a result of those new definitions.

One of those things is to be more active in caring for others. Not just saying I'm going to 'pray for you', but doing something about it with the resources God has given me. To use the talents and resources I have to further the Kingdom of God.

Some of that may mean you'll be seeing changes in my blog, possibly including some ads, but mostly more pointed areas of posting in the areas God has gifted me in order to use my gifts to a) glorify God and 2) help and encourage others.

All that to say this. I'm taking this blog out for a drive! This first drive is a direct result of opening my eyes to the poverty around the world. My goal is to use this blog, my Facebook page and Twitter to challenge my friends and followers to sponsor 100 children around the world, to change lives, to give hope, and to spread the good news that God loves YOU!

Jump on board and sponsor a child who desperately needs you!
