Monday, March 9, 2009

"Not Me!" Monday.

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

This was an interesting week. No matter what anyone tells you, I did not have a jammie day last Monday, Wednesday and Friday last week! I certainly did not twitter about whether to wear a bra to Del Taco. I dress myself and shower on a regular basis. That was not me!

Izaak had a rough week this week. I did not take him out to Del Taco with a fever, because nothing interferes with Del Taco Day, nothing! The next day I did not fail to tell my mom when she visited with my 3 year old niece that Izaak had been sick. I also didn't fail to mention that his eyes had been a bit goobery. Friday morning I did not take my own sweet time going in to get him up because I was afraid I would have to clean boogers out of his eyes, a job I completely abhor. I'm so glad that was not me!

Speaking of Izaak... when I saw him start to make the "I'm-going-to-poo-now" face, I did not ask him if he wanted to poop in the potty. Since I didn't ask that he couldn't have STOPPED pooping and ran to the bathroom, where I didn't undress him and set him on the potty. It's not possible that my baby of babies pooped in the potty. If he did, I certainly wouldn't have my husband pull out the camera and take pictures of him half naked on the pot. And, there is NO WAY I took pictures of his poop in the toilet, NO WAY! That could NOT have happened because my baby isn't old enough. Nope, not me! (I DID however, spare you the gory picture!)

I am not addicted to the Cake Wrecks blog on my sidebar. I do not laugh hysterically, out loud nearly everytime I read it. And I have not begun to start taking pictures of cake wrecks on my cell phone in the grocery store. Last month our church had a "Pie Auction" and there was this beautiful cake there that I did not take about 100 pictures of. I did not take those pictures and eagerly submit them last week in hopes of this happening. I did not shudder in eager anticipation Sunday morning before I logged in to see if my submission made the cut, and did not do a little dance when I saw it 5th picture from the top with my name under it!! Nope, not me!

There are so many, many things that I didn't do this week. But getting those off my chest was great therapy. I hope you enjoyed reading. I love comments so feel free to leave one before you pop on over to Mck Mama's to read more "Not Me!" posts.


  1. I love the cake wrecks blog too! My other favourite is
    They are super funny too!

  2. Cake Wrecks is my daily dose of humor site too! The picture you submitted is awesome, but I have to say I got nostalgic over the Snorks!
