Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Tomorrow is the Day.

Sometime in the morning tomorrow I will get a phone call and I will go to the hospital. My niece, Amber will give birth to her son Mason. Mason, if you haven't been reading my blog, has Trisomy 18 and is not expected to survive more than a few minutes after birth, if he survives birth at all.

The day is upon us. I pray that it will be the perfect day. A day where everything goes smoothly, all the medical staff are sensitive, all the family is peaceful, the memories are beautiful, and the pictures capture the moments. And that the Spirit of the Living God is present in each thought, word and deed.

There's so much to say. So much I am thinking and feeling right now. Too much to express, but if you read this blog I ask that you keep Amber and Brian and baby Mason in your prayers tomorrow as they come face to face with their precious son and at the same time say "Goodbye" to him as well.

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